
AmericaXReader Be My Heroine?

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mangafan23's avatar

Literature Text

"You think you're so cool, don't you, (Name)?" The Brit asked.

"Cooler than you any day, Artie." She replied as she leaned against the tree with her arms crossed over her chest. "Also smarter, and a better cook than you."

Arthur blushed at the comment of his cooking. "Bloody Hell. What has High School done to you? When we were kids you never acted like this." He muttered.

"It's called growing up, Artie. Ever heard of it?" She replied with a smirk.

The two best friends held eye contact for a few moments, then Arthur broke away with a sigh. "Alright, alright." He began. He gave his friend a pat on the head. "You win." He then turned and began to walk down the sidewalk. 

"Don't I always?" (Name) grinned as she bounced next to her friend and walked with him.

The two have known each other for years, and they were the best of friends. The could be joined at the hip and everyone would go about their normal day. Arthur Kirkland and (Name) (LastName) were inseparable.

That was, unless Arthur's step-brother was around.

Oh, Alfred F. Jones. The sandy blond knew just how to make her heart melt. Even with his obsession with heroes, burgers, video games, and watching scary movies made her swoon.

Though even though (Name) loved Alfred, most everyone loved her. Not only was she smart, she was a lovable smart mouth. She knows when to make a joke, and who to make it to. She can take a joke and be serious about it. She knew how to stand up for those who needed her, also making her a bit of her hero herself.

"I don't see why you can't just tell him, (Name). You love him, don't you?” Arthur asked.

"Why would you care, Arthur?" (Name) inquired giving her friend a poke in the arm.

Arthur chuckled. "Because, you're my best friend. And seeing you that happy around that bloody git is worth it." 

Arthur Kirkland, a gentleman at best. Preferring tea over coffee, the young man was always there for his friend. Even though he can be uptight most of the time, he can always take her jokes as they came.

"Aww!! You're so sweet, Artie!" (Name) gave Arthur a hug to the side.

"Alright alright, woman!! Let me go!!" He yelled as the two continued to school.


"And I have arrived!!" (Name) announced as she walked in her homeroom with Arthur right behind her.

"G-Good morning, (Name)."

The (h/c) girl looked to her left and saw her other friend, Matthew Williams waving to her.

"Hey, Mattie. How come you never walk with me and Arthur?" (Name) asked as she walked over and sat next to him.

"Sorry, but Al wanted to get here pretty early. He dragged me along with him this morning." Matthew replied.

Arthur sighed. "I feel sorry for you, Matt. He's always dragging you somewhere." He took his seat behind the desk were the two were sitting.

Matthew Williams. The twin brother of Alfred and the step-brother of Arthur. He was a bit of a push-over, but a good friend. Lover of polar bears and maple syrup, he's a sweetheart. Quiet and often overlooked for being a bit plain, and when he isn't overlooked, he's mistaken as his twin brother.

"Eheh, don't feel bad, bro." Matthew replied. "I don't mind much."

"So, anything special planned for today, boys?" (Name) asked the two brothers.

"Not really. Just a normal day." Arthur replied as he pulled out his book.

The three just sat and talked for the rest of home room, until the bell rang and signaled their free period.

"Al never showed up." (Name) murmured to herself.

"I wonder where that git ran off to." Arthur agreed as he stood.

"Should we look for him?" Matthew asked.

(Name) nodded. "Yeah, we can split up to cover more ground." She walked out of the classroom with her friends. "You two look in the cafeteria and the snack area, I'll check the library."

Arthur laughed. "Please (Name), what makes you think he'll be there?"

He had a point, Alfred wasn't the most intellectual person, and he was hardly active in any of his classes. "You never know, Artie." She replied simply by poking his cheek. "When I find him, I'll meet you two in the snack area."

"Okay, see you then." Matthew gave a small wave as he and Arthur walked away to the cafeteria. (Name) waved by just before she turned and headed towards the library.

She quietly entered the large room filled with books and began to wander through the isles of the shelves looking for her friend. Then did shensopt the sandy blond sitting at one of the tables reading a book with great interest. She walked over to the table where he was sitting and sat down next to him. (Name) peered over to see what he was reading. It was a book on the history of America, not that it surprised the female.

"Reading up on history, Al?" She asked.

Alfred looked up from the book and his glasses framed, baby blue eyes met her (e/c) eyes. A smile graced his face and he nodded. "Of course I am."'he told her softly, since they were in a library. "There are so many heroes in this book, you know I have a thing about heroes."

(Name) chuckled. Of course she knew how much he loved heroes. She often found herself at his house watching a movie about many heroes, often Captain America's movies. "Of course I know." She replied.

He grinned. "Someday, I'm going to be a hero like these guys. And once I do, I'm going to find myself a girl. Every hero needs a girl to stand by his side."

(Name)'s cheeks flushed pink. Oh if only he knew how much she wanted to be by his side. "Yeah. Anyway, Mattie, Artie, and I were worried about you since you didn't show for homeroom." She said getting to another topic.

Alfred blinked. "Seriously? I must have read through it!" He laughed. "Well, come on. They're probably still lookin' for me."

"To the snack area we go." (Name) announced as she stood from her seat. 

The two left the library and walked to the snack area where they saw Arthur and Matthew talking with the tall Russian boy, Ivan, and the shorter Chinese boy, Yao.

"There you are, you git! Where were you?!" Arthur asked as Alfred and (Name) walked closer to the group.

"Working." Alfred replied with a grin as he looked down at his step-brother.

"On what?" Matthew inquired.

Alfred shook his head and ruffled his little brother's hair.

"Are you all ready for that test we have in geography?" Yao asked suddenly. "I heard that it's going to be pretty big." 

"I heard that to." Ivan agreed with a smile.

"Wait." Alfred spoke. "We have a test today?!!"

Everyone blinked at him. "Al, it's been out there for a week now, didn't you know?" (Name) asked.

Alfred scratched the back of his head, embarrassed. Four of the group sighed while Ivan just smiled.

"Dudette, you have to help me!!" Alfred cried as he grabbed (Name)'s shoulders. "Pleeeeeeeeeease???" He asked as he began to shake her violently.

"Ok-a-ay!! Don't sha-ake m-ee-e!!" She told him as he shook her.

"Yes!!!" He then wrapped his arms around her in a vice grip hug. "thankyousomuchdudette!!! Iloveyousomuchforthis!!!" He belted out as he squeezed her.

(Name) blushed profusely as the American boy hugged her. "Alright, you can let me go now." She muttered.

Alfred did as she wanted and let go. "Kay, I'm going to get something from the cafeteria before class!" He cheered as he ran past his friends and to the cafeteria.

"(Name)! You look so red!" Matthew gasped in fake surprise.

"You know, red is the color of luck! Maybe something lucky will happen to you, (Name)!" Yao snickered.

(Name) continued to glow red. "Alright, alright. Knock it off." She muttered.

Most of her friends knew of (Name)'s crush on Alfred, and most of them were ones to tease her about it.

"Well, I'm going to head to my next class." (Name) announced, trying to get away from the teasing.

"Alright, see you at lunch then." Arthur replied.

"I need to get going to. I can walk you, (Name)." Matthew told her with a smile.

"Thanks, Mattie." She grinned and slung her arm over his shoulders, earning a  jump of surprise from the Canadian. 

The two of them began their walk down the halls and intothe classroom they were going to, sadly in the same classroom was  they passed the infamous BTT. The most annoying and perverted trio in the entire school.

"Vell vell vell!! Look at vhat zhe cat dragged in! Zhe smart mouth and zhe ghost!" The albino snickered.

"What do you want, Gilbert?" (Name) asked with a roll of her eyes.

"Nozhing, nozhing at all." He replied.

(Name) eyed his suspiciously, but continued to walked to her seat. She sat down and waved Matthew a goodbye as he left. Thinking it would be nice if the BTT would leave her alone so she could take out her (journal/sketchbook) and proceded to (write/draw) something that she had been working on for a while now. But, of course it was too good to be true, she felt someone sling their arm around her shoulders and she was met with the blue eyes of the frenchman of the trio, Francis Bonnefoy.

"What is it, Francy-pants?" (Name) asked with a scowl.

"Nothing, mon cher, just enjoying the sight of your beautiful eyes." He mused happily.

"You must be looking at your conceded self in them then." She muttered as she turned back to her work, only to see a certain spainard on her other side, looking at her (journal/sketchbook). "Wow, chia! You're really good!" he chirped cheerily.

(Name)'s face went pink and she quickly shut her work. Just in time for the Prussian to slam his palm down onto the desk and gaze at her with his red eyes.

"So, (Name). How vould you feel about going out viz me on a date?" She smirked cockily.

(Name) snorted and rolled her eyes. "Please!! A if I would ever go out with an egotistical idiot like you!" She laughed.

Gilbert drew back with a small glare sent towards her. "You don't mean zhat, do you Frau?" He asked, trying to sound as sweet as he could.

"I zhink I do, Gilbert." (Name) replied mocking his accent. "Now, if you please, I'm trying to vork on somezhing, und I vould razher not deal viz zhe annoying Gilbert." The albino bit back a hiss. He sent the girl a full on glare and ground his teeth at her. His two friends on either side of her looked surprised at the young female. She wore a look of triumph and smirked. "Nozhing to say, Mr. Awesome? No? Gut."

Gilbert snarled and left to take his seat as students began to file into the room. Francis and Antonio took their seats next to him. The three couldn't help but steal glances at the (h/c) as she took notes from the lecture while simultaneously working on her (writing/sketching).

"Amigo, I think you should just give up on her. I doubt that she'll want to go out with you." Antonio whispered to his friend.

"Oui, mon ami. It's hopeless." Francis added. 

Gilbert sighed softly. "No vay. Zhere's got to be somezhing zhat I'm missing....."

"Amigo, all she does is work in whatever she does, works on school stuff, and hangs out with Alfred, Arthur, and Matthew." Antonio reminded him.

Gilbert's eyes widened as he slammed his hand down on the desk. "Zhat's it!!" He cheered.

"What, Mr. Beilshmidt? Do you have something to add to the lecture?" The teacher asked as he tapped his fingers, annoyed by the young man's outburst.


(Name) told Matthew, Arthur, and Alfred about Gilbert's outburst and the four of them shared a good laugh.

"I swear, that guy is so annoying!" (Name) exclaimed as she took a bit of her lunch of (fav/food).

"Don't even get started on that Francis and Antonio! I can stand those two gits!!" Arthur agreed as he took a sip of his homemade tea.

Alfred took a bite of his hamburger. "(Name) we have study hall next. Help me study for that test?" He asked.

(Name) sighed and shook her head. There was probably no hope for her crush, but she smiled anyway. "Is Superman still super without the S?" she asked teasingly.

Alfred laughed his loud hero laugh. "Thanks, Dudette! You'll be my hero after this!" He said happily.

(Name) couldn't help but blush at his comment of her being his hero. She looked down and continued to eat, while she listened to the three brother talk amounts themselves, nodding once in a while to show she was listening.

Not far off from their table, sat the BTT, and poor Lovino, mainly because he didn't want to sit next to a so-called: "Potato Bastardo". And that he would rather sit next to a "Tomato Loving Jerk."

"I don't get it!! Vhat do zhose guys have zhat I don't?!!" Gilbert yelled as he chomped down on his sausage.

"Well, you definitely don't have those eyebrows." Francis replied.

"Or the blond hair." Antonio added.

"Eye color, skin color, accent..." Francis mused.

"Oh! Don't forget glasses!" Antonio reminded his friend.

"Oh, Oui. You're right."

"Aren't I alwa-"

"SHUT UP!!!" Gilbert yelled at the two of them. They both stopped talking and stared toward their friend. "Now.... At study hall, vhile (Name) and Al are  off studying, ve are going to have a little 'chat' viz zhe ozher two." Antonio and Francis shared a glance, then turned back to their friend and nodded their heads. "Gut. Now ve vait until zhey're alone in zhe hallvay." He snickered his famous "kesesese." as he thought of his soon to be days with (Name).

The bell sounded and lunch ended. Alfred and (Name) made their ways to a classroom and began to work there. The two of them worked away, (Name) helping Al with all of the Western European Countries that he had trouble with.

"Wait, so what the hell is Prussia?" He asked.

"Prussia was a country that dissolved into Germany. It's also referred as East Germany and was taken as part of the Soviet Union after WWII." She replied.

"Will that be on the test?" Alfred asked.

"I doubt it, the test is on current geography." (Name) reminded him.

"Alright, I think I still need some help." He stated a bit hopelessly.

(Name) laughed. "Of course you do. I'll get my book from my locker so we can study a bit better. Keep your eyes on that book, understand?" She lightly knocked on his head with a smirk.

"Yeah, yeah. I got it." He mumbled as he continued to read.

(Name) snickered as she got up from her seat and out of the room. She walked down the empty hallway and to her locker a good ways away from the classroom where Alfred was. When she opened to her locker, she sighed. She loved Alfred, why was it so hard to tell him that?

She got her text book out of her locker and locked it. She began to make her way back to the room with her eyes directed towards the floor.

She heard the slam of lockers and looked up. Her (e/c) eyes widened at the sight.

Arthur and Matthew stood in the hall, cornered by the BTT. Antonio and Francis had secluded Arthur away and the three of them were bickering away. Gilbert had cornered Matthew against the lockers. His arm trapped the poor blond on one side while Gilbert loomed over him with a glare and a smirk on his face, terrifying the poor Canadian.

(Name) felt rage boil inside her stomach and stomped over to Gilbert. She grabbed him by the shoulder and yanked him back. "What the hell do you think you're doing to my friend?" She growled.

"Vell, seems like (Name) has come to zhe show!" Gilbert cackled. "Does seeing me like zhis turn you on?" He asked with a smirk.

(Name) ground her teeth at his arrogance. "Like hell it does you bastard! How you claim that you can "grab more than twenty chicks and get in their pants" is just proving what an arrogant little bitch you are!"

"I'm able to get so many girls because of mein awesome five meters!" He laughed and he backed (Name) up into the lockers.

"Oh do you? How about I shorten that length for ya?" She asked with a smile.

"Und how vould you do zha-" Gilbert asked just before (Name) slammed her booted foot right in between his legs. He let out a high pitched, girly scream and fell to the ground, cringing in pain.

(Name) bent down and glared at him. "Not so awesome now, are you?" She asked with a smirk. She stood up and walked over to Francis and Antonio. "Now if you two don't want me to bring out a certain Hungarian, I suggest you haul ass, take the little bitch on the floor with you. If I see you three bothering these two again,  you two will get the same treatment. Am I understood?" She asked with a dark smile.

The brunette and the blond shook their heads violently. They picked up Gilbert and ran down the hallway, leaving Matthew, Arthur, and (Name) alone in the hallway.

"Thanks for the save, love." Arthur breathed a sigh of relief.

"Y-yeah." Matthew agreed. "You were like a hero!"

"Hero!" She yelled. "Sorry, guys! I need to get back to Alfred! I'll see you guys after school!" She ran down the hall and back to the classroom where Alfred was where she left him, still studying. She walked back over to the table and sat down next to him.

Alfred looked up from the book and smiled at her, the smile that always made (Name)'s heart melt. "(Name), think you could meet me at my locker once school is over? I wanna talk to you about something."

(Name) blinked in surprise. What did he want to talk to her about? "Sure, Al. I can make that happen."

"Thanks, (Name). You're a real life saver." He grinned happily just before the bell rang and ended the period.

"Well, I'll see you later, Al. Good luck on the test." (Name) gathered her things quickly and walked out of the room, hoping that her cheeks weren't red with a blush.


(Name) leaned against the wall of lockers as she waited for Alfred. The bell let out school just a few minutes before and now she was just left waiting.


The (h/c) female looked up to see the American run towards her with a grin on his face.

"Hey, Al. How'd the test go?" She asked.

"Dude, it was super easy!!" He cheered at he went to open his locker. "Say, Dudette. I saw what happened in the hall." 

(Name) blushed. She was hoping that he wouldn't even hear about that...

"I wanna thank you for defending my brothers."

.... What?

"It was awesome! It really was! You knocked Gilbert right of his pedestal, and, and.... It was really awesome to see the hero side of you." Alfred looked back at stared into her (e/c) eyes with his baby blue ones.

"I-it was nothing!! I mean Th-those two are my friends! I would never let anything bad happen to them!!" She tried to defend herself, for once feeling shy. She began to mumble explanations under her breath.

"Do you think you could consider being my heroine?" He blurted out suddenly.

(Name) stopped her mumbling and looked up at him. "..... What?" She asked softly.

"You see, I've liked you for a while now, and I had no idea who to tell you. But I guess I finally got the courage to" Alfred confessed nervously as he scratched the back of his head.

(Name) didn't say anything else, except she flung herself onto him and buried her face into his chest. "I would be honored, but only if you be my hero." She told him.

Alfred blushed, but wrapped his arms around her and returned the hug. "You got it, babe."

*~Extended Ending~*

(Name) heard a knock on her front door while she was sitting on her couch on a Friday afternoon. She managed to get out of school early because of a doctor's appointment. The time was just after 4:00 in the afternoon. She sighed, putting her book down and going to answer the door.

There stood her boyfriend for about two weeks. A wide grin plastered to his face. He wrapped his arms around her waist and spun her around, earning a squeal of surprise from his girlfriend.

"Babe! Check out what I got back today!!" Alfred cheered as he put (Name) back on the ground. He dug through the pocket of his jacket and handed it to her.

(Name) looked at the paper curiously and unfolded it. It was the geography test that they had taken two weeks ago, at the top was Alfred's name, and a 100 written in red ink.

"You got a 100?? Al, that's awesome!" She cheered.

"I know right?!" He asked. "And it's all because of my heroine!" He wrapped his arms around her waist and held her close to him. "I have you to thank for the grade, babe."

She giggled and looked up at him. "Any time, hero." She replied wrapping her arms around his neck.

Alfred chuckled at his girlfriend and quickly closed the space between his lips and hers.

"Kids!! I don't want to turn the hose on you, but I will!!" (Name)'s mother called from over the fence of the garden in front of (Name)'s house.

"Sorry, ma'am! Just thanking my heroine!" Alfred called back with a smile.
Hey y'all! :wave:

Yeah, so I'm getting back on the requests like I said. :D

This is my first AmericaXReader, I hope I did the hero justice! :iconamerica-bwplz:

So yes, this was requested by :iconmitski1999: I hope you like it, Mitski! Sorry it took a while! ^_^;

So, now I get to go work on a Punk!EngladXReader one! :D :iconsexyenglandplz: Come on, sexy! Let's get to work!

:iconengland-wtfplz::iconsaysplz: Should I be worried about what you're planning?

:iconmangafan23::iconsaysplz: Nope! Let's go, Iggy! :iconilikeitplz:

If anyone of you readers wanna make a request, come here! :D [link]

Story(c) :iconmangafan23:
Hetalia(c) :iconhimaruyaplz:
You(c) :iconsexyamericaplz:
Preview Picture(c) I don't remember where I found it, but it's not mine!
© 2013 - 2024 mangafan23
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OTAKUgirl508's avatar
Kawaiii~ This was super sweet! Every one of your story means so much towards me because they are even more awesome than Prussia!!~
 Prussia (Evil Sneaky Plan) [V5] : VHAT DID YOU SAY?!

Me: Uhhhh...that mangafan23 is more awesome than you???

[APH Icon] - Prussia: O gawd,me forgot de homework : VHY YOU-

Me: *runs away*